Many non-profit organizations share similar challenges. When boards of directors have limited community connections and their boards have not grown, there is some stagnation with organizational growth. NNPRC specializes in supporting small and mid-sized non-profit organizations that have plateaued and need help growing again. The NNPRC can help the following services:

Board Development

  • Understanding a board’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Organizing a board into working committees, to make the best use of the board’s resources.
  • Best practices in running a board meeting.
  • Developing a Confidentiality Policy for all board deliberations.
  • Preventing any Conflicts of Interest before they arise.

Strategic Planning

  • Reviewing and understanding the purpose of a strong Mission Statement.
  • Creating a Vision Statement for the future growth of the organizations.
  • Using a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to analyze your SCC.
  • Understanding the differences between goals, strategies and objectives.
  • Creating goals and outcomes, related to the mission, to direct the future activities of the SCC.

Program Development

  • Evaluating programs based on participation, use of space, and alignment with Strategic Plan.
  • Develop programs that relate to the SCC’s Strategic Plan and the State Plan on Aging.
  • Creating new programs that appeal to new target audiences, i.e., younger seniors, or men.
  • Identify community partnerships that could enhance current and new programs.
  • Helping all programs relate to one another and cross-promote other programs and the SCC.

Partnership Development

  • Acting as Partnership Brokers between community partners and the Program Committee.
  • Creating community partnerships that can enhance current programs and begin new programs.
  • Recruiting business partners that can support the SCC as members of an Advisory Board.
  • Soliciting financial sponsors that can support SCC programs and fundraising events.
  • Maintaining community partners and keeping them happily engaged in support of the SCC.

Marketing & Publicity

  • Learning to tell your story so that your SCC is a “Hero” for the benefit of your SCC members.
  • Summarizing your marketing message in 20 words or less, and then to 7 words or less.
  • Sharing your marketing message online, in social media, in print media, by word-of-mouth, etc.
  • Learning how to create website and inbound/email marketing, and Facebook marketing.
  • Creating a branded message that can be easily identified wherever your story is told.

Revenue Diversification

  • Maximizing membership revenue through dues, activity fees, and program revenue.
  • Developing hall rental income, including policies and best practices.
  • Balancing event/fundraising revenue by targeting different audiences with different events.
  • Writing grant applications with goals, measurable results, and partnership development.
  • Developing financial partners/sponsors by appealing to altruistic motives.

Leadership Development

  • Review policies, bylaws, and advise the board on when changes to bylaws are required.
  • Identifying future leaders from current volunteers, donors, members, and community partners.
  • Mentoring the current board of directors’ leadership and assessing their work.
  • Providing board member training for new board members and committee members.
  • Ensuring that the continuity of leadership and the process of this development plan continues.